New Beginnings
Strange as it may seem, 38 years since we started this business, this is our first attempt at "marketing" or advertising ourselves!
A lot has happened in the intervening years - technology has moved on, techniques have changed and customers requirements have evolved beyond all recognition.
Not to mention our a lot of our competitors have gone, started again, gone again, started again...
However, we're a bit more resilient and this is why we believe now is the time to remind everyone - we're not a "here-today-gone-tomorrow" company.
We've spent years investing in relationships with clients, suppliers and the trade and it's nice to know that you can rely on some things in life.
So whilst we'll never stop moving forward with the latest innovations in the business or continuing our desire to make sure we are at the forefront of training and compliance with the latest standards and laws, we're still the same company as we've always been.
Founded on the ideals of engineering excellence, undiminished quality of work and value efficiency, we remain committed to not only our existing clients but also those we will work with in the future.
So, new website, new social media presence, new logo but there is nearly 40 years of research and practice behind them!